Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Where should Airport Bus Stops be located???
International airports also played a role of intermodal interchange node of metropolises. Therefore, the appropriate location for local bus stop should be prepared. Conceptually, changing mode should be as convenient as possible. That means local buses should be able to pick up and drop off their passengers right at the terminal.
This is the good example. Incheon International Airport (South Korea) places local bus' stops in front of the terminals. Passengers can get in or get out off the buses and walk just 50 meters to the check in or check out desks. This concept is widely accepted and applied, for example at Frankfurt Airport, Germany. Unfortunately, Suvarnabhumi Airport of Thailand did the totally different thing. Bus Terminal is located at the fringe of the airport area, around 2 kilometers from the terminals. Passengers have to get off local buses and take the shuttle buses, operated by the company who get the concession from the airport authority. It takes two times of changing mode from buses to airplanesl and it is less convenient for passengers than what Incheon and Frankfurt do. Furthermore, there are additional costs to the airport authority, such as maintenance and operation of shuttle buses (through the concession). Those additional costs are pushed to the passengers. The result is the increasing of airport tax from 500 Bahts to 700 Bahts.